Monday, October 13, 2008

Who brainwashed these "people"?

If Obama does not win this election I will lose my entire faith in this country.  It will be another step backward, the direction we've been going in now for the past eight years with George Bush.  McCain's policies are no different than George W. Bush's.  Our economy is rapidly depleting (if you haven't heard, it's at an ALL-TIME low) while we are losing a war in Iraq that costs the U.S. 3 trillion dollars, granted we stay NO MORE than 10 MORE years involved in it.  I haven't even heard of an exit strategy from Iraq mentioned from McCain.  The American dollar has decreased 40% in value since 2001.  I want to retire before I'm 90.  I also want to have social security and health benefits.  And you know, It would be nice to travel some day for leisure, without losing half of my dollar to the exchange rate.  

Even if Obama only does a third of what he says he will that's a hell of a lot better than what Bush has done and was McCain plans to do.

And God bless America, what were to happen if McCain won the election and something had happened to him making Sarah Palin run the country.  I would flee this country the very same day.

I support Obama/Biden for the 2008 presidential election.

Please vote.

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